(un)informed confusion
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A Few Good Fonts, vol. XVII.01 (boldface)

Several authors, a law prof, and an artist-in-residence wax poetic on their favourite fonts in this Slate article. A few "telling" snippets:

I talked to my therapist, and she said my love of Courier stems from my childhood.
-Elisa Zuritsky, writer and producer of Sex and the City

It exists only on Hewlett-Packard #92286P, an obsolete font cartridge that plugs into an obsolete printer. When my printer dies, my beloved font will die as well.
-Anne Fadiman, author of At Large and At Small

I also like the fact that in [my favourite font] each letter is accorded the exact same amount of space, which I think is only fair to the 'i' and the 'l'.
-Luc Sante, author of Low Life: Lures and Snares of Old New York

I can even hear the rattle of the metal ball against the sheet of paper, I swear.
-Jonathan Lethem, author of You Don't Love Me Yet: A Novel

Out of admiration, out of superstition, out of habit, in chivalrous devotion, on too many computers (for how many thousands of words?), on three continents, at all hours of the day and in every single human mood, I have remained completely loyal to this font. Fourteen point, to be precise.
-Dushko Petrovich, artist in residence at the Royal Academy, London

My favourite font? Palatino, or, I suppose, Book Antiqua — eleven point, to be precise. Why? I don't know. I guess it just looks nice.

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