(un)informed confusion
~ and other odd oddities ~


Perhaps the Emperor Needs Clothes...

For the last, uh, ten years, my satorial choices for Halloween have generally involved donning a suit and sunglasses. This stylistic strategy has worked wonders for me; it leads many people to "guess" what I'm dressed up as (in high school, normal responses included "a mobster" and "one of the Blues Brothers." Post-the Matrix, they mostly shifted to "an Agent" or "those computer dudes from The Matrix").

This year, perhaps, I will try something different. I'm not a big fan of creative, fancy, or complicated costumes. They require money, effort, and time. Putting on a suit I already owned essentially did this for me without requiring money, effort, or time.

And such, I feel I should do something similar this year. I thought about going as Keith Richards, because I have his ears and nose, but I'd need to buy a wig for that and somehow create lots of wrinkles on my boyish face (ugh!). Indeed, ugh to that.

Instead, my current best idea is to put some fake 'tats' on my fingers, put on a skull cap I already own, put on a guitar I already own, and go as The Edge.

But I wonder if anyone will get it unless I label myself somehow... like a big "U2" sign on my back. Hmmm...

Edit: Well, The Edge costume went alright after all! I had to tell most people who I was dressed up as, but afterwards everything went alright ("You really do look like The Edge!").

Sep didn't get any good pictures of me, but here's two... please note that the facial hair is my own facial hair covered in a lot of black makeup. I am not actually this scuzzy.

0...thoughts from my fellow Saturnalians:

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