(un)informed confusion
~ and other odd oddities ~


Where Art Thou, O Uncovered Meat?

If I were to eat a meal and don an "Aristotle" hat sometime afterward, it would not be unreasonable for me to conclude that the more opaque food is, the less of it I can eat -- and the more of it my stomach must bequeath great efforts to digest.

(Bear with me here; evidence suggests that the importance of opacity in cuisine is near-universal. For example, Jello and bluefin tuna, prized by bon vivants for smooth texture and fat content, are both greatly cherished in completely unrelated spheres of gastronomy.)

The same could be said of the world of drink, wherein apple juice is easier to consume in large quantities than milk or even, say, orange juice. Milk butter or a thick brand of eggnog, furthermore, cannot be consumed in the same wanton amounts as chocolate milk, lest the toilet cease to be found wanting.

(The more adventurous dipsomaniacs among you will know that while red wine makes for an intoxicant midnight companion, white is easier to drink than red; likewise, a yard of Guinness is more difficult to put down than a yard of light ale; and Kahlua, for various reasons that should be obvious by now, must really be avoided altogether).

Food and drink aside, I do not believe the same goes for human beings.

0...thoughts from my fellow Saturnalians:

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