(un)informed confusion
~ and other odd oddities ~


Man at Robson St. Coffee Shop:

"Dude, does your iPod say 'Modest Mussorgsky'?"
"Is that Swedish Death Metal or something?"
"More like late 19th-century Romantic."
"Oh... Cool."

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2...thoughts from my fellow Saturnalians:

  • People are so sociable in Vancouver.

    Though, you really should have known about Mussorgsky, Chris.

    And the guy with the iPod should have known Modest was more mid-19th-century than late.

    Sociable, like I say, but a little dim. I suggest you both listen to more Norwegian death metal. (It's better than the Swedish stuff - much deathier.)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Aug 20, 02:31:00 p.m. ADT  

  • Oh, I am the person with the iPod. I'll stick in a colon so it's more clear. Pictures at an Exhibition is from 1875, so I figure that counts as "late."

    As for Scandinavian death metal... I think the Walus field note ruined it for me.

    By Blogger C. LaRoche, at Mon Aug 20, 02:42:00 p.m. ADT  

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