(un)informed confusion
~ and other odd oddities ~


Stephen Harper's Craftiness? 不好。

This just in from the venerable Bourque.com, which also limelights as the worst-designed news website on earth:
Want new leader installed if Harper calls surprise fall vote Party says
`we have to be prepared' for PM's `craftiness'

The short and skinny of it is that the Liberals are preparing for a snap election, which is all fine and dandy, and that they chose to announce this by having their President say a bunch of dumb, desperate nonsense about one of the more effective minority PMs this country has had in recent memory, love him or leave him (and trust me, I'm closer to the latter on this one).

When will the Liberal Party of Canada realize that vilifying Stephen Harper — or at least casting him as that "crafty" fat kid in your kindergarten class that always managed to steal everyone's crayons and eat everyone's candy — won't help them a single bit when it comes to:

A. Securing leadership funds
B. Securing leadership votes
C. Securing people who care


Granted, insofar as they force us to tackle the possibility of failure before it has even occurred, contingency plans are well worth developing. Contingencies force planners to anticipate failures, revealing flaws in their top-shelf plans. So long as hubris hasn't run amok in the War Room, this can work wonders for avoiding embarrassment.

More importantly, contingency plans also give planners a set of documents with which they can cover their asses when things go wrong and, to quote a Vietnam War flick I vaguely remember watching, we all wake up in a world of shit. As any moron can decipher from watching the Iraq war unfold, a good plan B can mean the difference between simply having shit thrown at you once in a while, and/or being forced to eat steaming lumps of it for breakfast, everyday, for four years.

It should come as no surprise, then, that the Liberals are crafting little plans to handle everything, just in case. Well, actually, it comes as a surprise that the Liberals are planning for anything at all — but I digress. A contingency plan, in this case, and as it is in all cases, is a good idea, shit not included.

This, however, is a bad idea:
"We don't trust Harper," [Mike] Eizenga said. "He's displayed a certain craftiness. He's got bad policies, but his political craftiness is something we have to be wary about."

Successful political hacksmanship, it is often said, has more to do with technique than it does brute force. Our dear friend Mr. Eizenga, president of the Federal Liberal Party of Canada, is apparently no master bladesman. Instead, he's decided to use his mitts and go digging about in the same sort of muddy pit of partisan tomfoolery that Daily Show host Jon Stewart once accused Crossfire hosts Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala of sleeping with on a nightly basis, to much amusement. Stewart was right. And you can extend that accusation to a plethora of political talk shows — Hannity & Colmes, The O'Reilly Factor, Hardball, Glenn Beck, etc. Most of which, Eizenga excluded, stay south of the border.

Stewart's lesson: calling out your opponent with names and slurs and painting them in ridiculous oral caricatures doesn't score you any points. It belittles the audience, and tells them nothing of your own ideas beyond the fact you'd like to pursue your political agenda by starting schoolyard fights using taxpayers' dollars. Think about it: if name-calling were a successful tactical manoeuvre, neither George W. Bush nor Kim Jong-Il would still be running things on either side of the Pacific.

What does generally score points, I am told, is something called juxtaposition — criticize your opponent's ideas, of course, but then present your own. Otherwise, you're effectively no better than the classroom smart-mouth who calls out the teacher now and then — can he teach?

More importantly, would you vote for him?

Two steps the Liberal Party will need to learn, regardless of any contingencies, snap elections, or crafty conservative trickery: criticize your opponent's ideas, then present your own. Then present your own. Liberal Party, repeat after me: then present your own...


why writing my thesis is fun (太好了!)

For those of you who may not know, my "Master's thesis" entails a dissection of East Asian power politics with the supposed conclusion that "all" can be explained by the North Korean nuclear dilemma. I say "Master's thesis," because, as of 8:33 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27, 99.9% of it still exists locked in a room somewhere at the back of my head — where it should be, of course. And I say "all" because I have no real ****ing clue what I'm talking about.

Hopefully the fine people over at UBC's Simons Centre for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Research aren't reading this. If they are, uh, hello, and ah, don't worry, everything is under control and, ah, uh... being well looked after... by the, ah, the fine lads at the Guinness Corporation!


On a more serious note, the thesis is shaping up. I've given a few presentations and written a few essays already and things are shaping up. Yes. Shaping up. Yes. Must keep repeating.... Things are shaping up, things are shaping up, things are shaping...

(Well, they are at the back of my head, anyway. The subconsious part. You know, the part everyone pretends actually exists.)

One small problem?

The damned topic keeps doing things in real life. Grrr.

Mmmmmm propaganda!




Thus the blog is born...

Yes, the blog now goes forth, spouted from the womb of hyper-text markup language in an orgy of flying virtual bits and pixels.

And what a birth it was! I spent almost all of last night fiddling and changing and linking and perfecting and polishing and making last-minute daring trips to the lavatory so that I could bring you the visual splendour that you now see.

(Translation: I made a couple minor modifications to a pre-designed blog layout. I then spent the rest of the night flipping between CPAC and TV5.)

I suppose that, because my previous post was a non-post with some actual post characteristics, or an actual post with too many non-post characteristics, it would be wise of me to now christen this blog with an actual post featuring none other than actual post characteristics (or, if you prefer, an actual post with an acceptable level of non-post characteristics).

By this confusion, of course, I mean that I should write an actual post with actual thoughts and meaning and thrust of argument. Instead of just bolding words at random and inspiring the masses with vapid blogoric. Now that the blog is born. You know, to 'get this party started'.

(On an aside, this is what my undergraduate-level "guide to writing a good essay" says. I haven't read the rest of this guide, though, so I think I'll ignore this advice and continue to write without including any thrusts or arguing. I don't want to mentally or physically harm any readers, after all.)

* * *

So, what you see is what you get. I have some links on the right. Please do click on them, because I get paid per click. In blog dollars. Which is something so glorious you wouldn't possibly understand. So don't ask.

Also on the right is a shrine to Christ, er Chris, me, the author. If you feel so inclined, you can visit my full profile. As a warning, it sucks just as much as the small one on this page.

Also also on the right, or at least coming soon to the right, will be a list of fun and fantastic links of my own choosing. I may compartmentalize them because the links themselves will likely point to sites ranging from the serious to the completely banal. Do click on them when they appear, though. Blog dollars.

(Don't ask!)

I am also trying to figure out how to give my posts specially-marked titles. If you know how to input this coding into a page that doesn't already have it, please send me a shout.

As for the blog itself, my mandate is written out in spectacularly ineloquent English in the right-hand navbar. Let me make this clear: this is a place for alternative news, thought, and interaction. And by alternative I mean that while most online news sources try to cater to their readers, this blog will alternatively cater only to my own virtual self-congratulatory desires. Just thought I would warn you.


Finally, of course, there will be posts to follow. With less bolding. I promise. Feel free to not read them.



After spending, oh, I dunno, a good hour trying out blog URLs, I have finally settled on informedconfusion.blogspot.com as the new World Wide Web home for the crap I now and then enjoy writing in customizable virtual print...

Well, actually, I haven't 'settled' on it so much as I have balked, avoided and then squirmed my way into posting on it (and not, coincidentally, the 'others'); I also registered doubterscompanion.blogspot.com and larochethink.blogspot.com. After some internal deliberation, debate, and mud-slinging, I decided that neither of these alternate URLs are particularly original, let alone accurate. I have two reasons. First, the former is a book title (clue: I didn't write the book); second, the latter, picked from Orwell's fabulous linguistic pompadour, implies that I actually think once in a while, an assertion that is absolutely preposterous.

(Anyone who knows me will confirm this, though some mild prodding with a stick may be necessary. Please, use discretion when prodding).

THEREFORE, thus, henceforth, and herewith (but not heretofore, never heretofore: it's a stupid word), this URL will be used. And abused. And loved. And then abused again. And so on.


BUT BEFORE you scatter, hear me out. The current URL didn't come about through a process of elimination. I am not that robotic. Instead, I have other reasons. First, the URL is nonsensical, but not so nonsensical that it makes no sense. Second, though long in number of letters, the URL is actually quite easy to remember. Third, I had my friend Riley Hennessey vet a few ideas, and he chose this one. Finally, the whole lot of it makes good use of the letter F.

(Please, do not ask me to qualify that last one. If you don't get it now, you never will.)

To ensure that the proper amount of confusion is avoided, I will post redirect links on the other URLs.

Zat is Ahl.